
Interesting People Have a Global Mindset

Interesting people realize the world is much bigger than their own country, region, state/province, city or neighborhood. The world has so many interesting things to offer interesting people and they sure as heck take advantage of it. The world is full of so many interesting foods.  In the United States most people think they know…

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Never Talk in Absolutes

Never talk in absolutes. That itself is an oxymoron, but it seems that the only absolutes that hold up are those having to do with the idea that there are no absolutes. We live in an interesting world full of many interesting forces and factors to consider when evaluating situations. At best we can be…

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Happy New Year

New Year, New Interesting Life

Okay, I think it’s cheesy to wait until the new year to make positive life changes… I also think it’s pretty lame to be overly cynical. 2017 just started so any excuse is a good excuse to lead a more interesting life! Points of focus for 2017: Health and Fitness – You should already be…

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Making 2017 an Interesting Year

Many people look to a new year as a chance to recreate themselves and begin with a fresh slate. This is both good and bad. It is good to see it as a chance to forget the past since the past is long gone.  It is good to be hopeful and focused about the future.…

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Do Not Fear Action… Fear Inaction

Most people are scared to take actions in life. They are afraid to travel. They are afraid to start or expand a business. They are afraid to start a conversation with a stranger. They are afraid to ride that roller coaster. There is something out there that is much scarier than taking these action… Not…

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Interesting People Are Okay No Matter What!

Interesting people are always okay. Life is an adventure and Interesting People have the confidence and skills to figure it out. Trouble comes and they are prepared. If they are not prepared they know that they will figure our how to make it through the situation regardless. Throw an interesting person into a small raft…

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Interesting People Go to Interesting Parties

The world has so many interesting parties, festivals and celebration for interesting people to attend. Life is meant to be lived, but it’s so easy to get caught up in the day to day grind where we lose touch with the bigger picture. Each of our lives is meant to be a masterpiece.  We are…

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Boring Rats on a Boring Treadmill

Everyone wants more out of life. Everyone falls into habits in life; many of those habits are bad ones. We get used to a certain way of doing things and usually don’t have much “free time” to improve beyond our current conditions. We want more things, but we just can’t find the time to take…

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try new things

The Science is In! Trying New Things Makes You Happier

Science has finally shown that those of us that choose the “Interesting Path” in life are happier: “Psychologist Rich Walker of Winston-Salem State University looked at 30,000 event memories and over 500 diaries, ranging from durations of 3 months to 4 years, and says that people who engage in a variety of experiences are more…

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Why Our Lives Today are Awful, Boring and Unfulfilling

Most people’s lives suck these days. Some of them suck for obvious reasons and some suck for less obvious ones. Many people today feel a deeply rooted level of dissatisfaction with their lives and they don’t know why. In working to make my own life more and more interesting I have learned to identify some…

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