Tag Archives: books

the warrior within bruce lee

Interesting Book: The Warrior Within – The Philosophies of Bruce Lee – Part 2 Video Follow-Up

This is a quick review of the book “The Warrior Within: The Philosophies of Bruce Lee” by John R Little This is a follow-up video to the article I wrote here: Interesting Book: The Warrior Within – The Philosophies of Bruce Lee You can find that book on Amazon here Enjoy!

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new world ronin

Interesting Book Review: New World Ronin by Victor Pride

This is a quick book review on the book New World Ronin by Victor Pride from boldanddetermined.com The book is an easy to read at just 169 pages. It’s so easy to read I read it twice. I also read it twice because I enjoyed it that much. The book is about achieving success in this world…

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books to read

5 Types of Books I Read – Part 2 – Video Follow-Up!

The most interesting and successful people in this world read a ton of books. Here are five of the types of books that I read most often. This is a follow-up to an article I wrote that you can read here: 5 Types of Books I Read Regularly Enjoy!

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5 Ways to Become more Interesting

5 things that will make you a much more interesting person.

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