Tag Archives: social

different people

Interesting People Enjoy Meeting a Variety of People – Part 2 – Video Follow-Up

Interesting people enjoy meeting a variety of people. Variety is the spice of life. In my many travels and meeting many different people I’ve always found it’s what’s inside that counts more than what’s on the outside. This is a follow-up video to an article I wrote on my blog mostinterestinglife.com. You could find that…

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interesting physiology

Interesting Physiology – The Instant Secret to Increased Life Success!

The way we hold our bodies affects how we feel.  It affects the thoughts we have and the way we act. Try it right now…. sit or stand up straight. Push your chest out Smile Hold your head up high Take a deep breath Raise your fists in the air as if you just won…

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shining beacon

Interesting People are a Beacon of Light for Others

It is the job of the interesting few to be an inspiration for the mediocre many. Interesting people stand out among others and act as an example of what life should be. They are an example of why we are all here. We are spiritual beings here having a physical experience. We are meant to…

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Interesting Gifts Are All Around Us

We live in an incredibly interesting world. A major part of living an interesting life is enjoying all of the interesting things we already have Our lives have ambitions, goals, responsibilities and countless distractions. An interesting life is full of many exotic goals and ambitions. It is easy though while pursuing these things to lose…

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How interesting is your weekend

How Interesting Was Your Weekend?

Did you do anything fun, productive and/or interesting this weekend? Or did you spend it on your couch/bed “taking it easy” by watching TV and eating junk? This video is a followup to my article here about living a more interesting life on the weekends: How Interesting is Your Friday? Click here to read my…

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Don't Explain

Interesting People Never Have to Explain Themselves

Do you constantly find yourself explaining your behavior to other people? Do you constantly feel the need to do so? Interesting people don’t do this. They realize that doing so is foolish and unnecessary most of the time. Sure, there are times when you have to explain yourself in business and in life. More often…

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Interesting Social Life

Having an Interesting Social Life – Video!

How interesting is your social life? This video post is a follow-up to my article on building an interesting social life that you can find here: Click Here to read “Interesting People Have a Thriving Social Life”   If you made a few New Year Resolutions one of them should pertain to building your social…

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Make 2018 Great

Making 2018 Your Most Interesting Year Yet!

New Year resolutions are cliche, but can also be effective. Before planning out 2018, it would be good to review 2017.   Ask yourself the following questions… Did you travel to any new places? Did you improve your finances? Did you meet any new interesting people that added to your life? Did you read any…

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just do it

Screw it, Just do it!

Screw it, Just do it! If you wait too long you’ll never do it… If you wait for other people to go first or for them to agree to come along you’ll never do it… Whatever “it” is… Starting a business Approaching a girl or guy Going on a vacation… If you keep waiting for…

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How to be funny

Humor is Interesting: How to be Funny and Stand Out from the Crowd

In any social gathering there are typically people that stand out and are the center of attention.  These people are usually the ones with a great sense of humor and make those around them laugh a lot.  It is like they instantly have a small audience around them wherever they go. Interesting people tend to…

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