men women

Men Should be Men and Women Should be Women

Men Should be Men and Women should be Women… … and both should be the best human beings they can be. I believe that one of the biggest problems with this world’s most “advanced” societies is how mixed up gender roles have become. Now if someone is gay, lesbian or whatever else, I do believe…

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5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Health, Energy and Well-being

Here are five easy things you can do to help improve your health, energy and well-being… 1.  Hydrate Drink more water.  Drink lots of it.  If you are drinking less than a gallon a day then you can drink more. I’ve heard it said many times “You’re not hungry, you’re thirsty” and “You’re not tired,…

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It Takes Obsession

I put a lot of thought into what really makes the difference between someone that succeeds at various pursuits in life and those who don’t. Many people try to get in shape, become wealthy, become leaders, master a new hobby or achieve success in any one of countless other endeavors, but most get sidetracked and…

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Double slit experiment

Double Slit Experiment

Being an interesting guy, I sometimes have interesting conversations with people about the nature of reality.  Sometimes when having a conversation of this type I will bring up the Double Slit Experiment. I’m a big fan of science AND spirituality.  I feel that by studying and understanding both one can gain much insight into our…

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Bruce Lee

Interesting Book: The Warrior Within – The Philosophies of Bruce Lee

We all know Bruce Lee as a legendary martial artist and movie star.  What many people don’t know is that Bruce Lee was also extremely knowledgeable regarding philosophy and taught some highly advanced concepts to his students and those around him. The book The Warrior Within: The Philosophies of Bruce Lee to better Understand the World…

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Interesting People Make Interesting Choices

I’ve heard it said that all we are is the summation of the choices we’ve made. There’s a lot of truth to this. The decisions we make each day help form who we are. How do we take care of ourselves physically? What do we eat? Do we exercise and do so properly? Do we take…

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People Who Do Versus People Who Judge

There are two types of people in this world: People who do (Doers) and People who judge (Judgers) Rarely is anyone both of these things. Interesting people are doers.  They get things done.  They go for what they want in life unashamedly.  The work hard, take risks and put themselves out there.  This makes some…

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Interesting People Never Accept Average

  I’m sorry… this post is a little rough… Interesting people never wish to be thought of as “average”. Average is death… The average person in the United States watches hours of television every day.  The average person never leaves the country.  The average person never reads or learns a new language.  They slowly get…

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5 Types of Books I Read Regularly

I’ve mentioned in the past how important reading is for any interesting person. The average person in the United States stops growing intellectually after high school or college. People who want more out of life realize what amazing opportunities to learn there are out there and they keep on learning. I often get greedy with…

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Taking the next step…

Often in life we don’t know what path we should take. We may know where we want to be or at least the general direction, but don’t know how or where to get started. In situations like this the best thing to do is just take a step in the direction of what you want.…

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