Category Archives: Socially Interesting

Story telling

Interesting People Have Interesting Stories

One of the greatest gifts of living an interesting life are the memories and stories that come as a result of it. The more experiences you have and create, the more interesting stories that you have to share with others. We all like story time.  People watch movies and television.  Children often like to hear…

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Interesting People Have Their Own Style

Interesting people experiment a lot and see what works for them. (Click here to read about experimenting in life )  They try out different clothes, hair styles, shoes, accessories, etc. to find what looks best and feels best for them. I’m definitely no fashion guru, but I’ve found some things that work for me and these…

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Interesting world

Interesting People Enjoy Meeting a Variety of People

Variety is the spice of life and this is particularly true in interacting with a variety of different human beings. Interesting people enjoy meeting people from other races, cultures, religions, professions, hobbies, life experiences, ages, sexes, political parties, countries and any other way that someone can be different from themselves. They realize that they can…

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How Interesting is Your Friday?

What are you doing this Friday? It had better be interesting.

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Interesting People Don’t Get Upset Easily

Boring people get upset more easily than interesting people do.

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Interesting People Have a Thriving Social Life

The importance of having and continually growing a healthy social circle.

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Interesting People Dance

Let me begin this post by saying that earlier in my life if you told me that one day I would enjoy dancing and that many people would tell me that I’m a really really good dancer I would have thought you were nuts.  Being a pragmatic logical type thinker I never really found an…

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