Tag Archives: goals
Wild, but Disciplined!
An interesting life needs to skate the edge between wild bold excitement along with disciplined responsible focus. Everything in life needs balance. When driving a car you need a gas pedal and a brake pedal. Without the gas you wouldn’t go anywhere. Without the brakes you would crash or drive past where you want to…
The Interesting Few That Do, While the Many Watch
“The few who do are the envy of the many who only watch.” – Jim Rohn There are many types of people out there in this world. There are many that react differently to the idea of living an interesting life. Some people are scared to do interesting things. They live lives of fear seeking…
How Alive Do You Feel?
It’s easy to fall into patterns in life. We develop daily routines, get comfortable with small-minded views and get used to living on autopilot and following the easiest path. Every once in a while we get woken up from this, hopefully in a good way. Maybe we have a lunch with old friends or maybe…
New Year, New Interesting Life
Okay, I think it’s cheesy to wait until the new year to make positive life changes… I also think it’s pretty lame to be overly cynical. 2017 just started so any excuse is a good excuse to lead a more interesting life! Points of focus for 2017: Health and Fitness – You should already be…
Interesting People Go to Interesting Parties
The world has so many interesting parties, festivals and celebration for interesting people to attend. Life is meant to be lived, but it’s so easy to get caught up in the day to day grind where we lose touch with the bigger picture. Each of our lives is meant to be a masterpiece. We are…
It Takes Obsession
I put a lot of thought into what really makes the difference between someone that succeeds at various pursuits in life and those who don’t. Many people try to get in shape, become wealthy, become leaders, master a new hobby or achieve success in any one of countless other endeavors, but most get sidetracked and…
5 Types of Books I Read Regularly
I’ve mentioned in the past how important reading is for any interesting person. The average person in the United States stops growing intellectually after high school or college. People who want more out of life realize what amazing opportunities to learn there are out there and they keep on learning. I often get greedy with…
Interesting People Don’t live in the Past
Interesting people are always looking forward. There’s no time to look in the past. Sure maybe you have done some great things in the past. Maybe you haven’t. Either way, your best years should be ahead of you no matter how old you are. Maybe you’re dwelling on pains from the past. This is counterproductive.…
Interesting People Don’t Get Distracted
Distractibility is one of the greatest enemies to living an interesting life.