Tag Archives: friends
Interesting People Never Have to Explain Themselves
Do you constantly find yourself explaining your behavior to other people? Do you constantly feel the need to do so? Interesting people don’t do this. They realize that doing so is foolish and unnecessary most of the time. Sure, there are times when you have to explain yourself in business and in life. More often…
Having an Interesting Social Life – Video!
How interesting is your social life? This video post is a follow-up to my article on building an interesting social life that you can find here: Click Here to read “Interesting People Have a Thriving Social Life” If you made a few New Year Resolutions one of them should pertain to building your social…
Making 2018 Your Most Interesting Year Yet!
New Year resolutions are cliche, but can also be effective. Before planning out 2018, it would be good to review 2017. Ask yourself the following questions… Did you travel to any new places? Did you improve your finances? Did you meet any new interesting people that added to your life? Did you read any…
Screw it, Just do it!
Screw it, Just do it! If you wait too long you’ll never do it… If you wait for other people to go first or for them to agree to come along you’ll never do it… Whatever “it” is… Starting a business Approaching a girl or guy Going on a vacation… If you keep waiting for…
Humor is Interesting: How to be Funny and Stand Out from the Crowd
In any social gathering there are typically people that stand out and are the center of attention. These people are usually the ones with a great sense of humor and make those around them laugh a lot. It is like they instantly have a small audience around them wherever they go. Interesting people tend to…
Feel Your Way to an Interesting Life
This post can be interpreted either spiritually or psychologically. Feel free to interpret it either way since both work. Most people look to their outer world in order to determine how they feel. They look to feel good by accomplishing goals, interacting with people, eating certain foods, going to certain places, buying certain products, etc.…
Interesting People Bring out the Interesting in Others
“Everyone is interesting. If you’re ever bored in a conversation, the problem’s with you, not the other person.” – Matt Mullenweg Lead Developer of WordPress, CEO of Automattic I’ve said before on this blog how interesting people make any and all situations more interesting. They find what’s interesting from the mundane. They find lessons to learn everywhere.…
Do Not Fear Action… Fear Inaction
Most people are scared to take actions in life. They are afraid to travel. They are afraid to start or expand a business. They are afraid to start a conversation with a stranger. They are afraid to ride that roller coaster. There is something out there that is much scarier than taking these action… Not…
Interesting People Go to Interesting Parties
The world has so many interesting parties, festivals and celebration for interesting people to attend. Life is meant to be lived, but it’s so easy to get caught up in the day to day grind where we lose touch with the bigger picture. Each of our lives is meant to be a masterpiece. We are…
People Who Do Versus People Who Judge
There are two types of people in this world: People who do (Doers) and People who judge (Judgers) Rarely is anyone both of these things. Interesting people are doers. They get things done. They go for what they want in life unashamedly. The work hard, take risks and put themselves out there. This makes some…