Tag Archives: science
The Science is in! Trying New Things Makes You Happier! – Part 2: Video Follow-Up
Trying new things makes you happier. This is exactly the sort of thing we always talk about on this channel and now science confirms it. You can read the article that this video is based on here: The Science is in! Trying New Things Makes You Happier! You can watch the new video below… Enjoy!
Quantum Physics – The Interesting Double Slit Experiment – Part 2: Video Follow-Up
Thinking about the nature of reality is very interesting. Interesting people often think and talk about things like this. This is a follow-up to the article I wrote here: Double Slit Experiment You can also find the video that I spoke about explaining the double slit experiment here: https://youtu.be/DfPeprQ7oGc Below is my new video. Enjoy!
Interesting Physiology – The Instant Secret to Increased Life Success!
The way we hold our bodies affects how we feel. It affects the thoughts we have and the way we act. Try it right now…. sit or stand up straight. Push your chest out Smile Hold your head up high Take a deep breath Raise your fists in the air as if you just won…
The Interesting Powers of Color Therapy Glasses
A lot of people have been asking about my color therapy glasses that you can see me wearing in several of my YouTube videos. People that know me in everyday life have also been asking about them. After keeping everyone waiting for a few months, I am finally writing about them here. A little…
The Science is In! Trying New Things Makes You Happier
Science has finally shown that those of us that choose the “Interesting Path” in life are happier: “Psychologist Rich Walker of Winston-Salem State University looked at 30,000 event memories and over 500 diaries, ranging from durations of 3 months to 4 years, and says that people who engage in a variety of experiences are more…
Men Should be Men and Women Should be Women
Men Should be Men and Women should be Women… … and both should be the best human beings they can be. I believe that one of the biggest problems with this world’s most “advanced” societies is how mixed up gender roles have become. Now if someone is gay, lesbian or whatever else, I do believe…
Double Slit Experiment
Being an interesting guy, I sometimes have interesting conversations with people about the nature of reality. Sometimes when having a conversation of this type I will bring up the Double Slit Experiment. I’m a big fan of science AND spirituality. I feel that by studying and understanding both one can gain much insight into our…