Tag Archives: judgemental
People Who Do Versus People Who Judge – Part 2 – Video Follow-Up
Interesting people are doers. Most people are judgers. This is a follow-up video to an article I wrote here: People Who Do Versus People Who Judge Enjoy!
What I learned from starting a YouTube Channel
I started this site and the accompanying YouTube channel as an experiment to post interesting ideas for a select type of people that would benefit from them. Creating this blog and YouTube channel was also meant to help me learn and refine skills such as website creation, content creation, video editing (I’m still definitely a…
Interesting People Enjoy Meeting a Variety of People – Part 2 – Video Follow-Up
Interesting people enjoy meeting a variety of people. Variety is the spice of life. In my many travels and meeting many different people I’ve always found it’s what’s inside that counts more than what’s on the outside. This is a follow-up video to an article I wrote on my blog mostinterestinglife.com. You could find that…
Interesting People Don’t Waste Time Comparing Themselves to Others
How often do you allow yourself to become distracted by what other people have, do or say? This is a follow-up video to my original post that you can read here: Interesting People Don’t Compare Themselves to Others There are over 7 billion people on this planet, but only one YOU. Focus and live your…
It’s Never Interesting to Reject YOURSELF
It’s never interesting to reject yourself. This probably either sounds strange or obvious, but what do I mean here? Most people reject themselves all the time in so many ways. They do it because they don’t really believe it is possible to get the things they really want in life. Maybe you would be interested…
Interesting People Bring out the Interesting in Others
“Everyone is interesting. If you’re ever bored in a conversation, the problem’s with you, not the other person.” – Matt Mullenweg Lead Developer of WordPress, CEO of Automattic I’ve said before on this blog how interesting people make any and all situations more interesting. They find what’s interesting from the mundane. They find lessons to learn everywhere.…
Men Should be Men and Women Should be Women
Men Should be Men and Women should be Women… … and both should be the best human beings they can be. I believe that one of the biggest problems with this world’s most “advanced” societies is how mixed up gender roles have become. Now if someone is gay, lesbian or whatever else, I do believe…
People Who Do Versus People Who Judge
There are two types of people in this world: People who do (Doers) and People who judge (Judgers) Rarely is anyone both of these things. Interesting people are doers. They get things done. They go for what they want in life unashamedly. The work hard, take risks and put themselves out there. This makes some…