Monthly Archives: January 2017


Interesting People Have a Global Mindset

Interesting people realize the world is much bigger than their own country, region, state/province, city or neighborhood. The world has so many interesting things to offer interesting people and they sure as heck take advantage of it. The world is full of so many interesting foods.  In the United States most people think they know…

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Never Talk in Absolutes

Never talk in absolutes. That itself is an oxymoron, but it seems that the only absolutes that hold up are those having to do with the idea that there are no absolutes. We live in an interesting world full of many interesting forces and factors to consider when evaluating situations. At best we can be…

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Happy New Year

New Year, New Interesting Life

Okay, I think it’s cheesy to wait until the new year to make positive life changes… I also think it’s pretty lame to be overly cynical. 2017 just started so any excuse is a good excuse to lead a more interesting life! Points of focus for 2017: Health and Fitness – You should already be…

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