Monthly Archives: March 2017
Interesting People Bring out the Interesting in Others
“Everyone is interesting. If you’re ever bored in a conversation, the problem’s with you, not the other person.” – Matt Mullenweg Lead Developer of WordPress, CEO of Automattic I’ve said before on this blog how interesting people make any and all situations more interesting. They find what’s interesting from the mundane. They find lessons to learn everywhere.…
Pure Joy
Why are we here? Why do we like to live interesting lives? The answer is both simple and complex. We are here to feel and express joy… love… happiness… creativity… We are here to feel… to feel these things… to feel alive. We are all little pieces of one great conscious universe. We forget what…
Interesting People Float (Sensory Deprivation Chambers)
Flotation Tanks or Sensory Deprivation Chambers are one of the most effective ways for interesting people to relax, decompress and “press the reset button” of their minds. This article isn’t meant to be a tell-all going over every aspect of Float Tanks, but is meant to give a little bit of my own perspective on them…
Go Slow to Go Fast
People’s lives today move at a very fast pace. This is especially true for interesting lives. One major downside of this is that it is easy to become overwhelmed and thus paralyzed mentally. It’s as if our brains overheat and we get nothing done. The best thing to do at times like this is often…
How Alive Do You Feel?
It’s easy to fall into patterns in life. We develop daily routines, get comfortable with small-minded views and get used to living on autopilot and following the easiest path. Every once in a while we get woken up from this, hopefully in a good way. Maybe we have a lunch with old friends or maybe…