Tag Archives: Musashi

the warrior within bruce lee

Interesting Book: The Warrior Within – The Philosophies of Bruce Lee – Part 2 Video Follow-Up

This is a quick review of the book “The Warrior Within: The Philosophies of Bruce Lee” by John R Little This is a follow-up video to the article I wrote here: Interesting Book: The Warrior Within – The Philosophies of Bruce Lee You can find that book on Amazon here Enjoy!

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musashi spirit of the thing

Miyamoto Musashi’s “Spirit of the Thing” – Video Follow-Up!

What is this mysterious principle of the “Spirit of the Thing” and how can you use it in your life? What can you learn from an undefeated samurai warrior? What the video below to find out! This is a video follow-up to my original article that you can find here: Interesting Samurai Thought: “The Spirit…

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Bruce Lee

Interesting Book: The Warrior Within – The Philosophies of Bruce Lee

We all know Bruce Lee as a legendary martial artist and movie star.  What many people don’t know is that Bruce Lee was also extremely knowledgeable regarding philosophy and taught some highly advanced concepts to his students and those around him. The book The Warrior Within: The Philosophies of Bruce Lee to better Understand the World…

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Interesting Samurai Thought: “The Spirit of the Thing”

Miyamoto Musashi is considered by most to be the greatest samurai and Japanese swordsman to have ever lived.  He lived from 1584 to 1645 winning 60 duels mostly against very deadly and skilled opponents.  If he was a boxer or MMA fighter today that kind of record alone would make him legendary. Read more about his…

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