Tag Archives: laziness

boring rats

Boring Rats on a Boring Treadmill – Part 2: Video Follow-Up

It’s very easy in life for people to get stuck in boring routines. Most people have larger goals for their lives, but are unable to reach them. You can read that article here: Boring Rats on a Boring Treadmill You can watch the new video below… Enjoy!

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boring life

Why Our Lives Today Suck, and What You Can Do About it – Part 2: Video Follow up

We have more resources today than at any time in history. Despite this many of our lives are very boring and unfulfilling. You can read that are for here: Why Our Lives Today are Awful, Boring and Unfulfilling Watch the new video below… Enjoy!

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It Takes Obsession to Lead an Interesting Life – Part 2: Video Follow-Up

Any great success takes obsession. Watch to see what I mean by that. This is a follow-up video the article I wrote here: It Takes Obsession Watch the new video below. Enjoy!

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do it

When in Doubt, DO IT! – Part 2 – Video Follow-Up

Everyone had heard the phrase “When in doubt, do without.” I’m saying something a little bit different… This is a follow-up to an article I wrote for this site that you can find here: When in Doubt, DO IT Enjoy!

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interesting mug

My Favorite Interesting Mug

This is a short post about my favorite coffee/tea mug (especially for a Monday morning). It’s often the little things in life that help make it more interesting. This is one of those things. Each day when I drink a little coffee or tea I have at least one of those cups in this mug.…

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interesting choices

Interesting People Make Interesting Choices – Part 2 – Video Follow-Up

It is said we are all the sum of the choices that we’ve made in the past. Interesting people make more interesting choices than boring people. This is a follow-up video to an article here: Interesting People Make Interesting Choices

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follow through

Interesting People Finish What They Start – The Power of Follow-Through

Many people start on the path to excellence and an interesting life, but very few persevere to the end. Now the path itself is actually never-ending, but most never reach any level of true success. People start reading books, create websites, join a gym or a martial arts class. They may decide to join a…

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judge or do

People Who Do Versus People Who Judge – Part 2 – Video Follow-Up

Interesting people are doers. Most people are judgers. This is a follow-up video to an article I wrote here: People Who Do Versus People Who Judge Enjoy!

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Perfect plan

95% of Something is Better Than 100% of Nothing

I recently came to the realization that 95% of something is better than 100% of nothing. What do I mean by this? I mean that we often wait, or work to make something completely perfect rather than just almost perfect. Making things completely perfect sounds good, but there’s a dark side to it. If we…

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Hesitation kills

Hesitation is Death

“What killed the warrior?” “Hesitation”   What kills most people’s dreams in life? Hesitation! Most people hesitate in doing the things that they know they should do. Time to go to the gym? They hesitate. Time to start a business? They hesitate. Time to book a trip or plan an adventure? They hesitate. The Hagakure…

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