Monthly Archives: March 2018
Oakenfold, Wine and Work – Interesting Work Flow
This is a quick post about a little trick I use to get work done even after a long day when I’m a little tired and perhaps my brain is a little fried. When it’s late at night and I would like to get some more work done for the day I do “Oakenfold, Wine…
Interesting People Make Interesting Choices – Part 2 – Video Follow-Up
It is said we are all the sum of the choices that we’ve made in the past. Interesting people make more interesting choices than boring people. This is a follow-up video to an article here: Interesting People Make Interesting Choices
Interesting People Finish What They Start – The Power of Follow-Through
Many people start on the path to excellence and an interesting life, but very few persevere to the end. Now the path itself is actually never-ending, but most never reach any level of true success. People start reading books, create websites, join a gym or a martial arts class. They may decide to join a…
People Who Do Versus People Who Judge – Part 2 – Video Follow-Up
Interesting people are doers. Most people are judgers. This is a follow-up video to an article I wrote here: People Who Do Versus People Who Judge Enjoy!