This is a quick post about a little trick I use to get work done even after a long day when I’m a little tired and perhaps my brain is a little fried.
When it’s late at night and I would like to get some more work done for the day I do “Oakenfold, Wine and Work”…
What is “Oakenfold, Wine and Work”?
It’s putting on a 2-hour set of music by electronic music DJ Paul Oakenfold, pouring a glass or red wine, and getting some serious work done.
The wine relaxes me, puts me in a good mood and changes around my thinking after a long day.
The music flows with a constant quick pace without interrupting my thoughts.
I am writing this post while listening to “Paul Oakenfold – Live from Rojam Shanghai China Radio 1 Essential Mix 26-09-1999”
You can listen to that here:
2 hours of work is a quarter of a normal person’s work day.
Changing around my neurochemistry with some wine and altering my brain waves with the cool droning music gives me a second, third or fourth wind.
If I feel particularly ambitious and motivated I may listen to two, three or four of these DJ mix sets. I particularly like the Paul Oakenfold live from Ibiza, Havana and Miami ones.
I’ve found this system works well for all different types of work.
I’ve used it for organizing my home or desk, brainstorming, website work, writing, preparing shipments, sending emails and most other tasks where I can listen to music and drink wine.
Now you don’t have to drink wine and listen to Paul Oakenfold mixes specifically.
Maybe you would do better with a cup of tea or coffee instead of the wine.
Choices of music are practically unlimited.
Sometimes I drink a few cups of tea instead, while listening to some Jazz music.
Sometimes I crack a beer and play some music from India or Japan.
Different things work for different people at different times.
The point of this method is to reward yourself, change around your environment a bit and get yourself ready to do some quality work in whatever area you wish to do more work in.
We all have things we put off and projects we want to work on.
This is just one interesting life-hack that I’ve found that allows me to get more work done.
Feel free to share some tricks that you like to use…
…and Until Next Time, Stay Interesting.
All the Best,
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